Frequently Asked Questions

Why Digital Marketing

If you are a business or a person who have a message/product/service  that you want to Give the world then Internet is just the right place for you

We have worked with brands who get more than 150 customers a month just because of their online presence. 
Every one is Online after Covid and We all search for services that we want. 

No, not at all. you can easily make your online presence by making an account on Instagram, Facebook, Linked in , Pinterest ,Google my Business and so many more sites. 

Now you can work on your own accounts and maintain them or you can outsource it to some agency.

We will make sure that our projects get completed way before the deadline but still if some clients are concerned for their work, will get informed through us.

Nowadays, users are using a variety of different devices of all different sizes and orientations. As a result, companies should be establishing a responsive web design when building web pages. Responsive design has the ability to detect the userโ€™s screen size and orientation in order to adjust the content and layout accordingly. For example, the layout on a mobile device will be much narrower than the layout on a desktop.

Websites should be designed to invite and entertain users, not push them away. The only way to attract and maintain users is with a good web design. The homepage should be visually appealing, easy to understand, and clear of any annoying pop-ups.

If the homepage is bad, the user will exit the website rather than continue exploring. The web design should also allow for easy navigation and fast load speed without blurry images or extensive copy.

The primary way a website increases sales is by offering users a convenient way to shop for products and services. Through the use of pop-ups offers and special online discounts, small businesses can encourage consumers to make the switch from window-shopping to buying.

With an enhanced incentive to buy, along with clear and concise product descriptions, users are quickly turning to company websites for all their consumer needs.

Why Kafee Social

You can contact us by going to the contactr section of our site, where you can find further instructions to contact us, or you can walk-in to our raipur office.

Yes! Word of mouth can be great, but a majority of consumers find and research companies online before making any purchases. An online presence gives your company credibility and boosts brand awareness. Plus, websites are an avenue for endless marketing strategies, including e-commerce, online customer service, and consumer engagement.

Search Engine Optimoization, commonly referred to as SEO, is the act of improving content and webpages in order to rank higher on search engine results pages. Search engines have algorithms that determine which webpages hold the most relevant results, and those pages are ranked highest among the search results.

Using SEO tactics, such as keywords, meta descriptions, and links, your content will stand out to search engine algorithms as relevant information and ultimately rank higher. Ranking higher leads to increased traffic and consumer trust.


Social media falls in the brand awareness and consideration stage of the sales funnel. Social media platforms allow businesses to connect with their target audience and slowly but surely nudge them down the funnel with content and links to learn more.

By providing relevant information about products and services, engaging with their audience, and providing free trials or specials, businesses are able to nurture leads into buyers.

Digital marketing allows businesses to raise brand awareness, share information about products, engage with the audience, and monitor online reputation. Digital advertising allows businesses to advertise and promote products, offer discounts or specials, and attract buying customers. Simply put, digital marketing establishes a target consumer audience while digital advertising drives this audience to sales.

While social media presence is crucial for all companies, each company will have different social media needs and strategies. For some, Facebook will be the best platform for business, while Instagram may be better for others. To determine which platform is best for your business, it is important to first determine your target audience and social media goals.

Qualified digital Consultant

We have specialized experience in outsourcing clientele and constructing the frame for business struggles.

Our Systematic Modulus

Qualified personals completing tasks persistently in a systematized manner.

Our Awards and Certificates

This paragraph is also for those who are looking out for a reliable attorney. You can use a few enticing words and flaunt your capabilities that will attract future clients and encourage them to hire you right away.

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